Magic Healing, Natural Health and Wellness Edmonton, Alberta 

Beyond Belief Mind and Body Healing was built on the belief that the most effective way to heal the body and end pain once and for all is through a natural holistic approach.   

Rather than focusing only on the main area of concern, we look at the BIG picture and factor in all that the body is trying to tell us, both physically and emotionally.   

Our passion is to inspire and empower our clients with the knowledge and action needed to take their healing into their own hands. 

Rose Energy  

Deep Tissue Release


Say goodbye to your chronic pain once and for all with this great natural pain relief alternative! 


Frozen shoulder?  Locked hip?  Bad knees?  Sound familiar?  Let’s get your energy moving to get your joints to full mobility again. 

Click the button below for more information about Rose Energy Deep Tissue Release


Offers the same results as surgery without needing to go under the knife! This means no scar tissue, far less recovery time and getting back to enjoying a pain free life faster! 



If you do not experience the impactful results promised, given enough opportunity, and it can't be made better, I will refund 100% of your money. Guaranteed! 

Learn the Healthy Way to Living Your Pain Free Dream Day 

Learning how to create a life without pain is much easier than you think.   

The key to living pain free is moving through each day one second at a time; continually making positive, healthy choices that support the physical, mental and spiritual healing you wish to see in yourself. 

Each decision you make that supports the vision you want to achieve is one step closer to building the healthy habits needed to get there.


Did you know your body talks to you all the time?  Activities that bring you happiness may cause your heart to flutter, while feelings of excitement or dread may make your heart start to race. 

The most common form of body talk comes in the way of physical pain.  Pain is your body’s way of getting your attention to tell you “Hey, over here! We are out of alignment and I’m going to keep yelling at you until you do something about it!” 

To achieve true, long lasting pain relief, you must first listen to your body, find the problem and restore the balance.  Telling your body to shut up by taking medication, is only making matters worse.  Those pills may work for a time, but eventually their effectiveness fades and you’re left with more pain than when you started.  

Which would you prefer, a short-term fix or a life long solution? 

Learn the language of your body, effective do it yourself tools and strategies for quieting your body and also get to the bottom of your pain through your own personalized Mind Body Spirit Reconnection Session! A

5 Healthy Habits for Creating Your Dream Life the Natural Way 

 1. Stay in the Present Moment 

Intentionally changing your breathing pattern is a simple, yet powerful way to heal your body, mind and spirit.   

Staying in the present moment daily, along with a healthy diet, gives your gut exactly what it needs to heal and work the way it’s supposed to.   

Slow conscious breath signals to your brain and body that you are safe, allowing you to relax, destress, release anxiety and heal.   

Make it a practice to check in with yourself throughout the day and notice the difference deep breathing can make! 

2. Hello, Hydration!
There is nothing more important to your health than drinking enough water every day.   

Think of your body with enough H2O as a hydrated grape and without as a dried-up raisin.    Believe it or not, the average woman needs 3-4L of water a day while the average man needs more. 

Not just any water will do.  To heal your body, you should be using only the best! 

Want the healthiest water available?  Nothing beats Structured Water when it comes to giving your body what it needs to thrive.   

Download the Structured Water Guide at the bottom of this page to learn more about the #1 water for health, wellness and spiritual growth!

3. Healthy Eating 

Want to FEEL AMAZING each and every day with LOADS OF ENERGY?   

Who doesn’t?   

What food you fuel your body with is a good place to start.  

Whole Food Plant Based Nutrition with a mainly fresh and raw diet is exactly what your body needs to heal and feel incredible every day! 

4. Move Your Body  

Want to feel great, have more energy with less pain, improve your mood and even add years to your life? It’s as simple as making exercise and daily movement an enjoyable part of your everyday routine.    

You don’t need to spend hours at it either; even 10 minutes of physical activity has profound effects on your health.  

For maximum health benefit, balance contractual exercises, such as running or weightlifting, with restorative, balancing ones, like yoga or foam rolling.   

5. Positive Mental Attitude  

Ending pain and emotional turmoil is as simple as giving your body what it needs to heal. 

Having a positive mental attitude everyday goes a long way toward supporting your body while it heals. 


How I Can Help

Struggling with weight loss, depression or anger control on a daily basis? You are not alone. 

According to the WHO (World Health Organization)





These statistics are terrifying and are getting much worse year by year.

Danielle My Story Beyond Belief Mind Body Healing

The woman on the left was me.

The difference between these two photos is just 9 months.  It was much easier than you think, and I want to share my secret to happy, healthy living with anyone ready to make the change and take their life back into their own hands. 

Click the button below to discover my 5 tips on how you can get started!


What they say

Sandra Testimonial Beyond Belief Mind Body Healing_

I highly recommend Beyond Belief Mind and Body Healing to everyone and do so at every opportunity (something I do not often do). 

Not only because the results you receive are immediate and long lasting, but also because of the friendly and inviting service you will receive.

The services, support and knowledge Danielle and Tenielle provide could be the key when it comes to your health and well-being. You may be pleasantly surprised....I know I was.

Thank you. 

Sandra - Personal Trainer


I am an avid runner and for months I struggled with Plantar Fasciitis.


  1. Taping
  2. Stretching
  3. Yoga
  4. Chiropractor
  5. Physio

Nothing made any difference until a fellow runner suggested I meet the team at Beyond Belief Mind and Body Healing! In one session I felt an 85% improvement from where I was.

I’ve just finished my second session and already feeling the difference. You may have had a deep tissue massage before, but this is so much deeper. If you are looking for relief from that nagging spot in your body that just doesn’t seem to go away, book an appointment with the team at Beyond Belief. They will transform your life!

Amazing services! As a cleaning company we often get knots build up in areas with repetitive motio­ns. Highly recommend every and all servi­ces to help you to recover and balance out built-up tension and toxins. Thank you very much!

Stephanie De Marchi Plant - Running Enthousiast

I was not happy and it showed.  I could not hide how depressed I felt all the time and was ready for change.  I was intrigued when I learned about Danielle and Tenielle’s dramatic turnarounds and decided to check out a consultation to see if it could help me.   
That poor mindset blossomed into happiness with my progress.  I learned the importance of positive self-talk and how to become better aware when I was being too hard on myself.  I stopped blaming myself for everything that went wrong and learned ways to change the script.

Edith Eubanks - Sales

Pauline Murley - Testimonial Beyond Belief Body Mind and Healing

Amazing services! As a cleaning company we often get knots built up in areas with repetitive motio­ns.

Highly recommend every and all servi­ces to help you to recover and balance out built-up tension and toxins. Thank you very much!

Pauline Murley

Beyond Belief Mind Body Healing Testimonial Yasna Paola Aedo Martinez_

After the first session I felt immediate relief.

It is an incredible massage, I totally recommend it, I'm already a fan ... try it, make your appointment, you will never regret it. Thanks ladies for having me. Love it.

Yasna  - Running Enthousiast

Highly recommend! 

Danielle knows how to find the exact spot to work on that I didn’t even know was a pain culprit… such relief from these sessions! 

Andrea_Salway  - Therapist

Danielle has been amazing! 

Her techniques have really changed how I walk and move. 

I was walking with a cane when I first met her and now I am cane- free and walking confidently. I’m learning so much about how trauma and emotions can get stuck in the body and cause pain.

She loves helping people!! 

Crystal Thompson  - Jewellery Maker/Business Owner

Reanne Copley

energy Healer

change the copy

Reanne Copley


You definitely wanna try this Rose Energy Healing.  

I had a heart awakening with Danielle and got bodywork done too.  Both have been life changing for me.  

She has been able to remove deep seeded hurt and pain that I had buried deep within myself to do with my value as a human/woman/partner/mother. 

She has also helped me loosen tension on my back, shoulders and neck from years of neglecting my body while standing in survival mode. 

Reanne Copley


You definitely wanna try this Rose Energy Healing.  

I had a heart awakening with Danielle and got bodywork done too.  Both have been life changing for me.  

She has been able to remove deep seeded hurt and pain that I had buried deep within myself to do with my value as a human/woman/partner/mother. 

She has also helped me loosen tension on my back, shoulders and neck from years of neglecting my body while standing in survival mode. 

Reanne Copley


You definitely wanna try this Rose Energy Healing.  

I had a heart awakening with Danielle and got bodywork done too.  Both have been life changing for me.  

She has been able to remove deep seeded hurt and pain that I had buried deep within myself to do with my value as a human/woman/partner/mother. 

She has also helped me loosen tension on my back, shoulders and neck from years of neglecting my body while standing in survival mode. 

Reanne Copley


You definitely wanna try this Rose Energy Healing.  

I had a heart awakening with Danielle and got bodywork done too.  Both have been life changing for me.  

She has been able to remove deep seeded hurt and pain that I had buried deep within myself to do with my value as a human/woman/partner/mother. 

She has also helped me loosen tension on my back, shoulders and neck from years of neglecting my body while standing in survival mode. 



What kind of water and how much you drink has a huge impact on how you feel and heal.  Are you drinking the right water to feel the best you ever have? 

Download the guide below to find out: